Photographs of Arizona-Grown Roses

Strolling through my garden every morning is an ideal way to kick off the day. I usually bring a cup of coffee and my iPhone or Canon camera. Capturing images of roses grown in Arizona has become a true passion. I relish the challenge of crafting photographs that could win awards at local rose shows or even be recognized in national competitions.

I’m excited to share the lovely flowers that bring me such joy. As a little treat, I’ve gathered some photos from the last five years that I hope will bring a smile to your face, just like the rose does for me. Sharing a rose’s beauty makes it even more special. I hope these images encourage you to consider adding a rose to your garden. Remember to follow me on Instagram!

My Encore Pictures

Some of my photos are of Arizona-grown roses I’ve seen while looking for new ideas for my backyard garden. There are so many varieties of Arizona-grown roses that do well in our low desert region, and spending the morning in one of our community gardens gives me the chance to consider choices I’ve not seen before. I hope you see a rose you like here or at least get inspired to visit a nearby community garden.