Our Rose Adventures Await!

I spend my day puttering about my rose garden, hoping to produce beautiful blooms I can photograph and share with others. Both activities keep me outside during the day, preventing me from frustrating my wife by being underfoot.

I want to share growing tips with that will help you grow bigger and healthier roses in your garden. Additionally, I want to share some of the photos I’ve taken of the roses in my Central Arizona garden.

Imagine what my wife endures when I venture into the house with new pictures and reports about how our garden is growing. She’s learned more about roses without even wanting to.

That is why I now have a webpage and an Instagram account. I am saving my marriage by sharing rose pictures and good information with you because my wife needs a break from hearing about our rose garden.

All Dressed Up

Growing Tips for Healthier Roses

Roses are often described as being “finicky”, which I hope to disprove with some good information that can help you grow roses in Arizona.

Please take the time to visit the Growing Tips page on this website. I want to share what I have learned about growing bigger and healthier roses. Below are some of my recent articles.


Let me show you my favorite rose

Rose Photography is why I have a webpage and an Instagram account. I not kidding when I suggest that I am saving my marriage by sharing rose pictures and good information with you. 

You can see more of my roses by visiting Photos on this website, or choose to follow me on Instagram.