
Rose Society of Tucson Promotes "One Amazing Hobby"

The Rose Society of Tucson was founded in 1960 to share its collective knowledge about growing stunning roses in Southern Arizona. The Society has over 100 members promoting its notion that growing roses is “One Amazing Hobby.”

Don’t believe anybody who says that growing roses in southern Arizona is difficult. All you need is a game plan for getting your plants through the relentless summers we endure.

Learn all about it from the 12 Consulting Rosarians on the rolls of the Rose Society of Tucson. The Society is also home to six American Rose Society (ARS) Horticulture Judges and three Arrangement Judges. Whether you want to learn to grow the roses you currently have or want to exhibit, the Society has qualified members who can help you achieve your goals.

The Rose Society of Tucson is an affiliate of the American Rose Society, the largest horticultural Society in the United States. The RST sponsors a rose show each year in April. It offers a rose pruning demonstration at its January meeting. Additionally, Society members host garden tours periodically to share landscaping ideas and provide new and different ideas for growing roses in the desert.

Membership for the Rose Society of Tucson is $20 per year per family. RST members receive the Society’s national award-winning newsletter, the Thrip Hater, 10 times a year and are eligible for shared purchases of inexpensive, hard-to-find roses. The Thrip Hater is a great place to find interesting and educational articles — and it strives to keep you notified of current rose events.

Pruning and Planting Roses Will Be Discussed at January Meeting

Veteran Tucson rose grower Terry Swartz will present a program on how to prune all types of rose bushes at the next Rose Society of Tucson meeting on Monday, Jan. 6, at 7 p.m. in the Tucson Botanical Gardens.

Swartz has grown roses for over 40 years and is a top rose exhibitor in the Pacific Southwest District and an American Rose Society judge. He will delve into pruning as we prepare to tackle this annual rose-growing ritual.

Terry will explain how easy it is to prune your roses for maximum growth next spring, as your rose plants will be the envy of your neighborhood.

Also on tap will be an important presentation by veteran Tucson rose grower Les Hayt, who has over 50 years of experience. He will explain how you should plant new roses in the ground and in pots and what soil mix he advocates to get them off to a great start.

Read more by visiting the Rose Society of Tucson webpage.

Join Us For Our Next Meeting

Monthly Meeting:

First Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm

(Except for July and August)

Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. Our guest speakers and programs aim to assist everyone in learning how to grow and enjoy the stunning beauty of roses. Bring a friend and enjoy an evening with people passionate about growing great roses. At the end of each meeting, a social time is planned to allow guests and prospective members to chat with RST members, ask questions, and exchange tips on growing roses.

Meeting Location:

Tucson Botanical Gardens

2150 N. Alvernon Way

Tucson, Arizona