The Mesa East Valley Rose Society (MEVRS) is Arizona’s largest, and oldest, rose society. Its membership is primarily located in the East Valley, and exists to help increase the community’s understanding of how to care for roses in the lower desert region.
The Society meetings are structured to teach people how to grow bigger, and healthier, roses. It also seeks to inform people of the history, hybridization, growing, and exhibiting of roses.
The Mesa Community College Rose Garden is the major project supported by MEVRS each year. It promotes programs, and stresses the value, of the rose garden as a living laboratory and place of beauty for the community.
The MCC Rose Garden is one of 26 All-America Rose Selections (AARS) Test Gardens in the United States. The garden exhibits more than 9,000 roses, which are tended by MEVRS members and volunteer “deadheaders”.
Yes, they have a mission; but, they’re mostly about talking with, and laughing with, other people who really love roses.
The Mesa East Valley Rose Society is once again holding its annual rose auction to raise funds to purchase new roses for the Mesa Community College Rose Garden and help pay for a portion of the expenses related to its maintenance.
The Auction is being run earlier this year to allow you to plant your new rose well before it gets too hot in Arizona. Bidding will begin on December 26 at 8:00 am and end on January 21, 2025 at 8:00 pm. Winners can pick up their roses at the MCC Rose Garden on January 25 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. This year, MEVRS is offering 152 roses that you can take home and add to your rose garden.
The Society’s flagship project, the MCC Rose Garden, is a shining example of MEVRS dedication in action. The Garden is one of 26
All-America Rose Selections (AARS) Test Gardens in the United States. It’s a living laboratory with a breathtaking display of rose diversity, featuring over 9,000 blooms tended to by MEVRS members and Community Volunteers.
Through its robust programming, the Society shares invaluable expertise on how to grow bigger, healthier roses, imparting insights into the history, hybridization, and exhibition of these beloved flowers.
Take the time to look at the MEVRS Auction Website and find that perfect rose for your Garden. Be guaranteed that a MEVRS Consulting Rosarian will be willing to give you tips that will help you grow a beautiful rose.
Monthly Meeting:
Second Thursday of each month at 6:15 pm
Mesa Community College Library (Room 145)
1833 W. Southern Avenue, Mesa, Arizona 85202
Be sure to contact me with any questions you may have about our meetings or any upcoming events.
V.P. Programs
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Past President
Members at Large
Sherman Weekes
LeRoy Brady
Bud Morrison
Carol Holkenbrink
Yvonne Morrison
Kathleen Umlauf
Joseph Arias
Maggie Holloway
Pat Thiel
Carla Roberts
James Rosebough
Saving my marriage by sharing rose pictures and good information with you.
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