Prune Your Climbers For Picture Perfect Roses

Don Juan Climbing Rose

When I see Climbing Roses and Ramblers in the catalogs, they all look perfect, and I dream of mine being that picture-perfect. I wish pruning a climbing rose was as easy as pruning the other roses in my garden. Alas, the roses we grow to climb and ramble require extra help to get them to […]

Prune Your Roses For Better Spring Blooms

It’s January in Arizona, which means it’s rose pruning time. This annual pruning is designed to provide us with better spring blooms. I don’t mind the work, but I’m not thrilled with the idea of stripping down my roses to their naked canes and looking at the sudden lack of beauty that engulfs my garden. […]

Get Your Tools Ready For Pruning

It’s the holidays, and we are all distracted by family and events. It helps we don’t need to do much with the roses. However, you should get your tools ready for pruning season next month. While we may wait until January to defoliate our plants and remove the dead and diseased canes, we need to […]

Give Your Roses A Performance Review

Welcome to the holiday season! I know I’m still recovering from Thanksgiving — and I’m still stuffed. Between now and year-end, you and I will have to attend several Christmas parties, and there is the Arizona Rose Societies’ year-end award program. Oh, and sometime this month, I will need to give my roses their Performance […]

Why Do You Want A New Rose?

The end of the rose season is fast approaching, and our emails and physical mailboxes are filled with ideas about new roses to add to our gardens. November and December are a time for Arizona Rosarians to consider what needs to be added or replaced in their rose gardens. Catalogs are easy to deal with. […]

Easy Rose Maintenance Tips for November

Let me put your mind at ease by telling you there is little to do to maintain your roses in November. We’ve all put in a lot of effort this year to keep our rose plants healthy, which has been challenging given the extreme summers we’ve faced recently. All our work to produce beautiful roses […]

Give Your Roses Some Oomph in October

Can you believe it’s already autumn? I mean, it’s still 110 degrees outside. What a wacko year. Anyway, it’s time to give your roses a little extra TLC so they can shine bright at the Mesa East Valley Rose Show coming up in November. Fertilizing your plants this month is vital to achieving those gorgeous, […]

Why We Mulch Our Roses

This summer has really highlighted the importance of mulching our roses. With the Phoenix area experiencing over 110 days of temperatures exceeding 100 degrees, I’m feeling worn out, and I can only imagine my roses are equally fed up with the heat. Thankfully, I made sure to mulch my plants well this spring. While a […]

Prune Your Roses for the Fall Season

From my school days, I realized that Labor Day weekend signified the end of summer and the return to work. Now, after Labor Day, it still means getting back to work, but this time it’s all about tending to my roses. September brings the hope of fresh growth and lovely flowers to enjoy with our […]