Sharing Rose Pictures and Information With You

Sharing Rose Pictures and Information With You

Growing and enjoying roses quickly becomes a passion after you take your first rose plant home from the Nursery. After that, trips to the Nursery and evenings spent looking at rose catalogues become as natural as breathing.

I’ve made many new friends that share my love for roses – and they are always willing to answer my questions, and help me solve any problems, I encounter in my garden. As a result, I keep growing better roses each season.

There are a number of Consulting Rosarians within American Rose Society – and I’m one of them. Consulting Rosarians are rose growers who have met the qualifications set by the American Rose Society and are willing to help others with their rose. Talk is cheap, and you’ll find we all like to talk about our gardens and the beautiful blooms we’re enjoying. Consulting Rosarians can always be found at rose society meetings – and often are the ones diligently working in the community rose garden.

I certainly encourage you to contact a Consulting Rosarian with any question you may have; and you can certainly contact me when when you want to talk about roses.

I promise I won’t bite.

Picture of Dean Baker

Dean Baker

Putterer / Scribbler
ARS Consulting Rosarian