Pumpkin Patch Rose

Why We Mulch Our Roses

This summer has really highlighted the importance of mulching our roses. With the Phoenix area experiencing over 110 days of temperatures exceeding 100 degrees, I’m feeling worn out, and I

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Rose Garden Watering During Summer With Timer

Rose Garden Watering Tips for Summer

Proper watering is crucial for plant health, especially for roses which require ample moisture and cannot tolerate dry soil conditions. During the dry, low-humidity summer months, lack of water can invite spider mites that may completely defoliate a plant if left unaddressed. To prevent this, schedule hand-watering, or set drip irrigation timers, for early morning. Direct the water flow near the ground to allow it to soak thoroughly into the soil.

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Arizona Monsoon

Monsoons, Haboobs, and Your Roses

Ah, the good old days when we dodged dust devils and braved the treacherous winds during monsoon season while driving from Phoenix to Tucson. Those were simpler times; and those

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Sharing rose pictures, and good information, with you because my wife needs a break from hearing about our rose garden. 

Dean Baker

Putterer / Scribbler

ARS Consulting Rosarian

Oh wait! .... this is my favorite rose

Arizona Rose Societies
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